OhioX + Clarus
We’re proud to partner with OhioX to help hardworking innovators claim the R&D tax credit. At Clarus R+D, our software simplifies the process and maximizes your benefit.

Schedule a call
Schedule a free consultation with our team of experts to learn more about the R&D tax credit.
Estimate your credit
See if you qualify and estimate your potential benefit with our R&D tax credit calculator.
The U.S. government created the R&D tax credit in 1981 to incentivize American based companies to create innovative technology, instead of losing intellectual property to other nations.
Many companies were not eligible to receive a current benefit until the PATH act was passed in 2015. And once passed, not a lot of companies heard about it. Even companies that did know about it failed to pursue it, due to complexity and time constraints. We offer a solution that makes it easier and less time consuming.
No! The R&D tax credit was created by the U.S. government to give funds back to companies who spend money on technology-based innovation.
Simply put, the R&D tax credit creates money that goes back in your company’s pocket to fuel further innovation and growth. Estimate your R&D credit with our quick calculator.
Typically 7-10% of qualified expenditures, the credit can be used to offset:
- Income taxes if you are in a taxable position.
- Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) if you have less than $50 million in average revenue for the 3 preceding years from the tax year, and you owe AMT in the current year.
- Employer portion of social security taxes up to $250,000 each fiscal year, allowing qualified small businesses to receive the benefit regardless of profitability.
With Clarus, it takes a fraction of the time to pursue the R&D tax credit compared to traditional R&D studies. Learn more about our technology-driven process.
No. Companies in many different industries qualify. Learn more about the R&D tax credit.
You receive money every year that you are eligible.
No. The purpose of GAAP is to make sure financial reporting is consistent and transparent. The R&D tax credit rewards companies for innovation.
If your company has wage or other expenses related to the development of new or improved products, you may have qualifying R&D activities.
We aim to maximize the intent of the government by building awareness of the R&D tax credit, especially amongst entrepreneurs, startups, and established companies looking to grow by investing in technology-based innovation.
Our pricing is built to fit your business and designed to reflect the efficiencies of our process. Companies pay a small base fee plus a percentage of their credit. For startups, we offer a special pricing option.