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The U.S. government created the R&D tax credit in 1981 to incentivize American-based companies to create innovative technology, instead of losing intellectual property to other nations.
Many companies were not eligible to receive a current benefit until the PATH Act was passed in 2015. And once passed, not a lot of companies heard about it. Even companies that did know about it failed to pursue it, due to complexity and time constraints. We offer a solution that simplifies the process and maximizes ROI.
No! The R&D tax credit was created by the U.S. government to give funds back to companies that spend money on technology-based innovation.
Simply put, the R&D tax credit creates money that goes back into your company’s pocket to fuel further innovation and growth. Estimate your R&D credit with our quick calculator.
The R&D tax credit can be used to offset:
- Income taxes if you are in a taxable position.
- Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) if you have less than $50 million in average revenue and you owe AMT in the current year.
- Employer portion of social security taxes up to $250,000 each fiscal year if you are a qualified small businesses.
With Clarus, it takes a fraction of the time to pursue the R&D tax credit compared to traditional R&D studies. Learn more about our technology-driven process.
No. Companies in many different industries qualify. Learn more about the R&D tax credit.
You receive money every year you are eligible.
Many companies don’t realize they are eligible. If your company invests in any type of innovation, you may have qualifying R&D activities. Gauge your eligibility with our quick calculator.
We aim to maximize the intent of the government by building awareness of the R&D tax credit amongst all companies investing in technology-based innovation.
Our pricing is built to fit your business and designed to reflect the efficiencies of our process. Startups pay a small base fee plus a percentage of their credit with extended terms.
In our experience, the majority of companies that have claimed R&D tax credits are not optimizing them and are overpaying for services. With a customized mix of technology and support, our R&D tax credit platform helps companies identify, document, and calculate credits more efficiently and effectively.
Choose what works best for your tax team. We can deliver your R&D study using our full-service solution. Or you can license our software to do it yourself.
Our R&D tax credit platform was built by tax experts from the Big 4 Accounting firms with over 30+ years of R&D experience. Along with our tech experts, our software is consistent and reliable, ensuring all IRS required documentation is easily generated right from the software.
The Clarus R+D tax credit platform incorporates processes and workflow to identify, document, and calculate credits efficiently while providing all required IRS and supporting documentation to confidently defend your earned credits.
For enterprise customers, our software and support packages are based on a fixed price.
The 2015 PATH Act leveled the playing field. The number of companies claiming the R&D tax credit is expected to quadruple by 2025. About half of these companies are startups and SMBs with an average credit of $40k. These are your clients and you need the right tool to serve them.
CPA firms with an existing R&D tax practice often choose to partner with Clarus R+D for greater efficiency and revenue potential – and, most importantly, compliance.
In a nutshell, technology. Our software simplifies the process and reduces fees.
Many common activities completed by software developers qualify for the R&D tax credit. Read more about the value of this benefit for developers.